pursue work-life balance
郭旭升 Lv6


After i long day of working on sth, i feel exhausted. I am pursuing a work life balance. Because i am passionate, when i work on sth that make me excited, i would speed too much time on it.And i don’t feel anything else utill my body told me to rest. For a long run, i have to do so.


  • set goal / deadline or a task before start to do sth
    When you have a goal, you know what you could accomplish.
    The deadline can tell when to stop.
    A task that you can finish.

  • give your self reward when you do so
    When you accomplish sth, give your self a reward, you’ll remember that sense of accomplishment;
    When you stop at your deadline, take a break, enjoy your self with the time that you are out of your business.So that you could be more productive or energetic in the next time.
